cultural/historic park

[prehistoric culture]  [ cultural/historic park] 
[unique plantlife] [archeological characteristics]
[cultural history] [archeological discoveries ]

title: prehistoric culture
artist: Lai and Chen ( team members )

The Ministry of Domestic Affairs declared the Chee-Shan Rock is the level two artifact of Taipei, and turned it into a cultural/historic park.

Discovered in 1896 by the Japanese, Chee-Shan Rock artifacts is the oldest in Taiwan. It is in itself a site that's worth preserving for multiple reasons, such as archeological value, plantlife, prehistoric culture, or human history.

<<interview of the tour guide>>

Q : Most of the relics were found in the north, east, or west side.  Why are the human bones discovered in the south this time?

A Because it is a protected artifact site, and therefore any type of digging must be approved by archeologists, and thus just because we didn't find things on one side doesn't necessarily mean that there won't be new discoveries.