interviews with 
the tourists

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[interviews with the tourists] [photographs]
[drawings] [thoughts]


place:Chee Shan Rock


reporters:Chang renhao, Lai yienting, Wang bojun  

toolstape recorder, camera, notebook, pen, computer

interviewee : Grandpa Lin is 70 years old, and comes here daily to exercise and play chess with old friends.

 1. Q: How many years have you know Chee Shan Rock? How has it changed?

     A: (1).It's been too long.  I'm 70 years old.
(2).It used to be a religious place, and now it's become a library.  Some stones were destroyed, but memorials are added; and the most important lesson for me is that the Japanese are not all "evil", some of them, especially those who educate, are quite memorable.

 2. Q: Why did this place become level 2 artifact of our country?

     A: We know what it was a national treasure, and even though we don't know how old it dates back to, but what's more important is to preserve it.  

 3. Q: What interests you the most about Chee Shan Rock?

     A: It's hard to explain to you how we reminisce the past history.  As for the snakefrog stone, they're simply imageries that people can look at.

 4. Q: Which legend impressed you the most?

     A: "Mr.Six."
In the old days Taiwan was basically an agricultural society, and people had no spare money to get education.  But the Japanese thought that education was so important to us that they provided free education to all those in need.  This is very touching to me.  And it is a historic fact.  Those six Japanese teachers took a grave risk teaching here, but they thought that it was worth their lives to educate Taiwanese, and so in that tragic accident where robbers mistaken them for rich teachers ( because they assumed that teachers must be rich, not knowing they are simply employed by the government ), it was sad that they should get murdered.

 5. Q: Human skeletons were discovered here.  Do you think it should be open to the public?

      A: People are now talking about that again.  I think for bones like this, we should wait for experts to tell us what to do.

 6. Q: Do you find this place suitable for exercises and activities? 

     A: I think only for small sports like dancing and Kung Fu.  But I'd like for all those who come here to help preserve the environment.

 7. Q: Which facilities would destroy the environment?  What other reasons might do the same?

      A: The reasons are complicated, many modern things would destroy this place.

 8. Q: What can my generation do for this place?

     A: As long as you don't break or bend branches when you climb mountains , we welcome the world to see this wonderful place.


place: Chee Shan Rock

date: 12/10/00

reporters:Pan yeeshuan, Hong chienhun, Soo jiachee

tools:tape recorder, notebook, camera, computer

interviewee: Mr.Liu lileh

 1. Q: How long have you known this place? How is it different?

      A: 60 years.
There used to be a lot of ancient things like the stonefrog, stonehorse, but now almost everything is gone.

 2. Q: Why is this place level 2 artifact of our country?

    A: This place is even older than Dragon Mountain Temple.  It is about 350 years old, but it's a shame that we need to restore it.

 3. Q: What interested you the most?

     A: Memory garden.Memory garden used to be the old Hway Jee Temple, and now we can use it to play chess and chat.  It's great.

 4. Q: Which legend impressed you the most?why?

    A: Mr.Six.
At that time, it costs $2.00 to get education, but they decided to teach for free, and their students were all declared by the government to become officials or generals.  It's a shame that robbers had to murder them by accident.

 5. Q: Skeletons were discovered here.  Do you think it should be open to the public?

     A: Yes, we should, so that our children get a sense of history.

 6. Q: Do you think this is a suitable place for exercise and activities?

     A: Yes, because people can both work and look at old sights.

 7. Q: Which facilities would harm the environment? What other reasons are there?

    A: The wooden trails and the exercises might do that.

 8. Q: What can my generation do for this place?

     A: Keep the place intact for the future.


place: Chee Shan Rock

date: 12/10/00

reporters: Chen mayren, Guo saoling, Chiu yihao, Hsu shiowen, Wu sooshuan, Chang wayling, Wu yishun

tools: tape recorder, camera, notebook, computer

 1. interviewee : male4 people  female5 people

    [V] resident   □ tourist (if resident, then proceed to question 2)

 2. What's good or bad about living here  

 A :  (1)we can take walks.
fresh air; nice sights.
taking walks. 
(4)nice air; able to exercise
(5)nice sights, good air. 
(6)good air quality, nice tres and it's nice to have a sight near our home; also nice for exercises.

 3. age group : □ under 20  [V] six people aged 20~50   [V] 3 people aged over 50

 4. purpose [V] 1 person toured  [V] 8 people climbed  □ work

  5. number of times they come: 2 people once a week, one person twice a week, 2 people three times a week, 3 people five times a week, one person 7 times a week.

 6. years they've known the place:3 people 1020years6 people 20-30years

 7. what has changed?

 A: (1)it was more natural before.
(2)it became more modern
(3)the manmade things made it unnatural
(4)pretty nice job 
(5)sidewalks, parking lots are better
(6)mankind destroyed it
the old natural feeling is gone due to the manmade wooded floors

 8. do you know this is a level two artifact?

     [V] 7 people knew    [V] 2 people didn't     
     (if yes, then continue question 9)  

 9. Why?

 A: (1)there are human history and some tombs here 
(2)ancient culture is here 
(3)Mr.Six taught here
(4)ancient things and discovered skeletons
(5)this was here a long time ago
(6)there are common tombs here from the Civil War

10. favorite spot

 A: (1)Hway Jee Temple
(2)Mr.Six's tomb
(3)Hway Jee Temple and trees
(4)temple, trees 
(5)snakefrog stone 

11. do you know skeletons were discovered

     [V] yes  □ no 
     (if yes,then answer question 12 )  

12. your thoughts on this  

 A: (1)this is an important discovery, we must understand culture in the past. 
(2)3000 years old, wow! 
(3)we must preserve it. 
(4)miraculous, we must preserve it. 
where there is human, there are skeletons.

13do you think it's a good place for exercises? 

 A: (1)No, just for tourists.It's hilly, thus dangerous. 
(2)yes, if there's too few people it gets lonely.
(3)No. Groups are too large. 
(4)No. People might add inappropriate facilities.  
(5)Yes, if we don't exploit it. 
(6)yes, suitable for elders to climb. 
yes, we can exercise here.  

14How should we protect it?  

 A: (1)Keep an kind heart and not step on the grass. 
(2)don't exploit, keep it intact. 
(3)government can only do so much. We must educate the public.

(4)There should be a specific organization in charge of keeping this place clean and organzied. 
(5)cherish it, don't litter, grow flowers.
(6)keep it intact.
it's best if certain institutions can take charge and everyone should help keep this place intact and as beautiful as it is today!