Taipei city Shih Lin Elementary to participate in the 2001 World Cyberfair |
9/1/2000 2.chairperson: Ms.Goo, director of academic affairs3.purpose: The cyberfair is an internet related activity. It won't be easy, but would be a challenging experience for all our teachers and students to learn from and tell the world at the same time about our wonderful cultural heritage. 4.the teacher's team: Ms.Tung--a social studies teacher who will coordinate and supervise over all activities and lead student to write plans, proposals, find funds, and other activities. Mr. Hsu--a computer computer who will be in charge of computer education and website design and training and teach students how to compile information and put them into the webpage Ms. Hsu--the director of education and discipline who will direct students collect data, analyze documents, and design the theme of the website.