
[westgate] [heavenly hole and blessed land]
[hway jee temple] [north gate] [common tomb]
[east gate relics] [south gate relics] [prehistoric culture]

1when did Shih Lin elementary begin?
1895 1911 1999

2.  from which famous temple?
tse shienshen nonghway jee 

3why did the Japanese set up schools here?
many scholars lived herethere was a little school inside the temple alreadyboth

4Shih Lin elementary was called the 8-orchid school, which is also the name of ?
tien mooshih linshee pai

5Mr.Pan set up ? to help educate the public
theaterslibrariesfree schools

6Chinese scholars would always worship 
Kai Kingguan yeenWen Trung God

7which of the following is a person made divine?
Kai Kingjade emperorseadragon king

8which god does hway jee temple worship?
Mother GodJee GongKai King

9where do we keep the building blocks left from the reconstructions of the temple?
memory gardenwest gatelibrary

10the temple used to be the center of 

11the seed of which tree can be used for soap?
"rong" treeDrung treeno worry tree

12which kind of immigrants were mostly seen?
Foo JienTibetShen Tung

13the Rock used to owned by
Mr. Huang Cheng ChingMr.Huang ShenKai King

14which era does the pillar of Shih Lin Elem. belong to ?
8 orchid schoolChinese learning schoolChee Shan Rock school

15what were the Taiwanese school called ?
public schoolsmall schoolbig school

16what were the Japanese school called ?
public schoolsmall schoolbig school

17which famous artist's work is displayed in Shih Lin Elem.?
yi tengchien jingyi dse

18students often go where to ask for test-blessing?
rockgod templetse shien templewentrung God temple

19the earliest pillar in memory garden belongs to the
jiah ching agedao guang ageJapanese age

20why did the Japanese set up the first school?
teach Japanesestudy plantsresearch

21the first name for Shih Lin Elem.?
Chee Shan Rock school8 orchid schoolChinese learning center

22when was hway jee temple built?
chien long 17dao guang 5Jiao ho 33

23which monuments testify the time of hway jee temple?
shih lin elem.memory gardenwentrung temple

24what's the name of the layer we see here?
dah liaosong shenjing may

25what fossils can you see in dah liao layer?
other sea animalsshellsboth

26the fossils here tell us they belong to the 
volcanic layerseeside layerbreakaway layer

27yellow leaves testify which type of change?
weather changegeological changehuman change

28who led the Drungs?
Mother GodKai KingFarmer's God