Chee Shan Rock age 3,500
years old |
Reporter Tsao In 1896, a Japanese teacher found a stone artifact in Chee Shan Rock and sent it to Japan--thus was the beginning of the archeological discovery of the Chee Shan Rock site, dating back to 3,500 years ago. Within the Shih Lin area, we see various ages of civilization. According to archeologist Liu, there are five ages in total: the big fen age, the shun tang age, the shun tang pooh age, the Chee Shan Rock age, Yuan Shan age, plant garden age. Since then, numerous artifacts have been found, including a hatchet which was dated over 10,000 years ago, and in 1981, it was officially confirmed that the Chee Shan age dates around 3,800 to 3,000 years ago. There are many scholars in this area, and it is one of the earlier settling points in the north. During the Japanese era, the Chee Shan school was set up by the Japanese, and marks the beginning of Taiwan's public education.