Skeletons discovered in Chee Shan Rock 【2000/12/08 Lian Ho Times】 |
Reporter Chang/Taipei The Chee Shan Rock is a level 2 artifact of Taipei city, and while under reconstruction, archeologist Liu found two complete skeletons. These are the "true Taiwanese", who lived around 2,500 years ago. Chee Shan Rock is the first cultural/historic park in Taipei, and was a small island in ancient times. The Japanese first discovered some artifacts back in 1896, but archeologists fear that the recent digging might destruct valuable historic sites. The engineering was done by Cheng Foo Co. in January of this year, and archeologist Liu led a team of six young archeologists to check out the place. Since early November, numerous discoveries have been announced, and the most interesting one was discovered in pit number two. The pit has been dug about four meters dep and they are confident to find more in the future. At first they couldn't be sure of what they found, but when the feet bones were discovered, it was obvious that they've found the jackpot. The two skeletons were a man and a woman, judging from their pelvic bones, and are around 2,500 to 3,000 years old. They also discovered a grayish ceramic can next to the head of the female skeleton. The number two pit has now stopped its digging. Archeologists are a little upset due to the media coverage and the possible damage that it might do to the site. In order to prevent this from happening, the construction company has covered up the site with plastic curtains and asked guards to keep an eye on the artifacts.